enfr+1 (438) 778 6717 Lundi-Vend: 09:00 - 18:00


    NOTE: Write N/A if a question does not apply to your situation. (The masculine form is used to simplify the text; the masculine gender includes the feminine).

    Personal information : All information provided is confidential and will only be used to determine the program best suited to your profile and your immigration project.


    Civil status

    IF you are married or in a common-law relationship, will your spouse immigrate to Canada with you?

    Do you have children?

    Have you already obtained a work or study permit in Canada?

    Do you or your spouse have any family members who are permanent residents or citizens of Canada currently living in Canada?

    French skills assessment test

    If you have taken a French language proficiency test (TEF or SEL), please answer the following questions.

    Test type


    Please provide the following information about your post-secondary studies and ALL the educational institutions you have attended, whether or not you have obtained a diploma.

    Diploma 1

    Diploma 2

    Diploma 3

    Additional diplomas

    Work history

    Please list your employment history for the last ten (10) years - starting with your current position - and include part-time positions.

    Job 1

    Job 2

    Employment 3

    Other jobs


    Please list all your international trips in the last ten (10) years.

    Visa issued:

    Visa issued:

    Visa issued:

    Other trips

    Additional questions

    Please read the following statements carefully and answer honestly. Do you, your spouse or dependents :

    Have you ever been convicted in a criminal proceeding, in any jurisdiction, or are you currently the subject of such a proceeding? :

    Have you ever made a refugee claim in Canada or applied for a Canadian immigrant or permanent resident visa OR any other type of visa (e.g. temporary resident or visitor)?

    Have you ever been refused refugee status OR any other type of visa (e.g., immigrant, permanent resident, visitor, temporary resident) in Canada or another country?

    Have you ever been refused entry to Canada OR another country, or had a deportation order issued against you?

    Have you taken part in an act of genocide, a war crime, a crime against humanity or the desecration of religious property?

    Have you used or planned to use violence to achieve political, social or religious objectives?

    Have you been a member of a group that is or was involved in organized crime?

    Have you suffered from any serious physical or mental illness or disorder?

    Is there any other information you feel is important to share with CRIC as part of your preliminary assessment?

    Have you already applied to platforms like Arrima or Express Entry?

    Have you ever applied for asylum in Canada or at a Canadian visa office abroad, in one or more other countries, or at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)? If yes, specify country

    Have you ever been refused a visa, permit or entry to a country, or been ordered to leave a country other than Canada?

    Have you ever studied or worked in Canada or the United States? If so, please give as many details as possible.

    Have you ever applied to immigrate or travel to the United States? If your application has been refused, please specify the reason.

    Have you ever been turned down for a study permit in Canada? If yes, specify year. Please enclose a copy of the letter

    Have you ever been refused a work permit in Canada? If yes, please specify the year and send us the letter of refusal. Add any other relevant details.

    Have you ever been refused a visitor's visa to Canada? If yes, please specify the year and send us the letter of refusal. Add any other relevant details.

    Download your CV

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